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Week 14 Discussion 5

Week 14 Discussion 5

Q Discussion: Opposing Designers Presentation Review Opposing Designers MGMT Midterm.docx This discussion space is to be a place where you can provide feedback to teams on their presentation and content on the following criteria: • o Focus of the presentation o Clarity and coherence of the content o Thoroughness of the ideas presented and the analysis o Clarity of the presentation o Effective use of facts, statistics and details o Lack of grammatical and spelling errors o Design of the slides o Effective use of images o Clarity of voice projection and appropriate volume Peer Responses Guided questions/prompts: • How do you think it went? • What would you have done differently to make it better? o Based on the criteria above, where did they exceed expectations and where can they improve. • What did you learn/find interesting about the presentation? Individual Presenter questions/prompts: • How do you think it went? • What could you have done differently to make it better? • What did you do that you are particularly proud of accomplishing? • What did you learn from preparing for and delivering this presentation? • What would you change next time? Each discussion will be worth 25 points, part of your midterm grade, and only requires you to respond for yourself and don't have to respond to other peers.

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I think the presentation we presented went really well. We were very confident on our idea and how simplistic of a game it is that can uplift your spirits from home. One thing I would have done differently was not have so much background movement going on. My roommate was home at the time and happened to be busy so he was going back and forth in our video while we were recording. That is one thing I would've changed to make this presentation better. I am particularly proud of how well balanced Eli and I were when creating this idea. Also, I'm even more proud of how well our presentation flowed.